Tuesday, April 19, 2011

"Ollie, Ollie in Free!"

On February 16, 2011 Bethel College experienced a revival - the Spirit of God touched hearts and began a transforming work in many lives. During the beginning of the revival, Dr. Lowry Mallory stood up and raised his hands and began to shout, "Repent, repent!" Some students did not respond well to this, but Dr. Mallory was correct - "Repent" means to turn around and walk in a new direction, and that is exactly what many needed to do. However, I am not convinced this was the best way to call people to repentance. Why? Because this word is misunderstood by so many. When people hear this word, they envision John the Baptist dressed in camel's hair pointing his finger at the Pharisees, or they envision fire and brimstone raining down from heaven. They feel condemned, hated, and judged. I am now on a mission to change people's view of this word.

I would like people to begin thinking of this word as an invitation. When Jesus preached his first sermon it was, "Repent, and believe the good news, for the Kingdom of God has come near." Thus, repentance is GOOD news! Jesus was essentially inviting people to a new kind of life - a life under His reign. It's like He was saying, "Turn from the way you are going - turn and come walk the way I am going. Take My hand and let Me lead you, let Me guide you through life. Come live the life you were always meant to live! Come become the person you were always meant to be! Come and learn from Me - I am GENTLE and HUMBLE in heart. My yoke is EASY. Seriously, this is the BEST way to live. In fact, I am the Light of the World, and My light is LIFE! Come and become like Me - be transformed into My Image and live an abundant, joyful life of freedom." This is repentance - an invitation to live life WITH God.

Jesus invites us to repent and be saved. The Hebrew word for 'salvation' is yesa - and it means "a broad and spacious place where there are no restrictions." God invites us to a life of freedom - not a life of constraints and fear brought on by our sin and rebellion, but a life of joyful, reckless, Spirit-filled abandonment. When I think of this kind of life, I am reminded of playing "kick the can" with my brothers on hot summer nights. Everyone would go hide except the one who was it. We'd hide in the bushes, afraid to come out, sweating in the stifling heat, swatting mosquitoes, and somewhat afraid of the coming darkness, and then when we could take our confinement no longer we'd burst out of our small and narrow space and run like mad for the can in complete reckless abandonment. You know that kind of running, every child has done it: all out, intent on one thing only - getting there first, winning the prize - and you forget you are voluntarily moving your legs and pumping your arms. All inhibitions are cast aside. You run so fast you almost trip over yourself, your body not keeping up with your heart and your head. When you reach the can you kick it with all your might, laughing for joy that you are now free, shouting, "Ollie, ollie in free!" That's what repentance and salvation is like - living life in this joyful, laughter-filled, hopeful, whole-hearted reckless abandonment to God, running towards Him and with Him with all that we have within us. It is so GOOD! It is FREEDOM!

God describes Himself as good, holy, love, light, and truth. He is 100% NOT evil. "All of His paths are loving and true for those who keep the demands of His covenant (Psalm 25:10)." He is ALWAYS good and all of His plans are good; He cannot be evil. Being 'good' does not mean He is just a 'nice guy,' a 'Jesus Buddy,' if you will. NO! It means He is not evil, He is holy, He is perfect. Thus, God always wants what is BEST and good for us. He is FOR us, not against us. He promises, "I will be with you ALWAYS, to the very end of the age." Why would we not want to turn and live with Him - with this Holy God who IS good, love, light, and truth? My sincere hope is that the word "repent" will take on a whole new meaning - as an invitation to turn and live life with God, following His guidance and trusting Him. He is All, and He is faithful.

Repent! You will never regret turning from your own way and choosing to go God's way and living life with Him. He has invited us. He wants us to want Him. Do we? I pray you'll run to Him with the same reckless abandonment as a child running for the prize.